From the view it looks fine,but i have a feeling there's a blemish or two under the hat.
From the view it looks fine,but i have a feeling there's a blemish or two under the hat.
Well no, i wasnt trying to hide anything... its finished under there. She has hair eyebrows and the rig is working nice ... thats not to say there wouldnt be an error you might notice ... by no means am i saying its perfect. Im just saying this wasnt a decision made to hide something...
Thats just the only prop she has... and since its rather large you cant do much with it but have her wear it.
I actually prefer her look without the hat.
But your just going to have to take my word for it i gusse. Atleast until the next teaser.
Thanks for the review!
Just some voice actor/writer
Voice actor, writer,
Joined on 12/12/08